The week of February 27th to March 3rd, Adrianna virtually attended the The Interaction Wins - G4 Winter School 2023 hosted in Italy. She presented her research on BRD4's influence of G-quadruplex DNA formation, and won first prize for her oral presentation!...
Investigating the molecular role of G quadruplex DNA in genome stability and human disease
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Our lab studies the mechanisms that control normal and pathogenic functions of G quadruplex DNA, a non-canonical DNA structure that forms readily in guanine-rich sequences. Estimates of the number of quadruplexes in the human genome range from ~10,000 to hundreds of thousands; they are often found in gene regulatory regions and are enriched in telomeric sequences. Quadruplexes play roles in essential cellular processes including transcription, translation, and DNA replication. At the same time, quadruplexes trigger genome instability and are associated with cancer. The goal of our research is to leverage a fundamental understanding of G quadruplex biology to design therapeutic strategies for human disease.
We use a variety of experimental approaches including molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, and computational biology to study G quadruplexes in mammalian cells and murine models.
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